Yes, you can study in Italy almost FREE as Italy provides various scholarships that are provided by Italian government, Italian universities and other regional bodies.

It is quite possible to study in Italy almost FREE. For this, first, you need to hold an offer of admission from an Italian university and then you need to apply for a scholarship to the regional bodies and/or the university. There are various scholarships that you can choose from as per your eligibility.

The academic requirements to apply for a bachelor’s degree in Italy vary according to the particular course and university. Generally, you will need 12 years of schooling with relevant subjects for your desired course. However, you may have to take an entrance test before you can get admission. You can check specific requirements for the courses of your choice on STUDYINITALYFREE.COM.

The academic requirements to apply for a master’s degree in Italy vary according to the particular course and university. Generally, you will need a bachelor’s degree in the relevant field and an entrance exam or an interview to check your suitability for admission to your course. You may also be required to submit a GRE/GMAT score. You can check specific requirements for the courses of your choice on STUDYINITALYFREE.COM.

Italy offers three primary types of courses, Bachelor’s degree (Laurea), Masters degree (Laurea Magistrale) and Single cycle degrees for courses in Medicine & Surgery etc. A Bachelor’s degree is of three year duration while a master’s degree has a duration of two years. The Single-cycle degree programs five to six years.

Eligibility criteria for scholarships in Italy vary on the kind of scholarship and the program. Generally, these scholarships are granted to international students and various factors like academic achievements, financial need and language proficiency are taken into account.

One can explore scholarships in Italy on university websites, scholarship databases, and government websites. Each scholarship has its application process and deadlines, so you need to go through the scholarship requirements and details very carefully and adhere to the timelines strictly.

The scholarships/financial aid provided in Italy varies. Few of the scholarships are fully funded and can cover tuition fees, free accommodation, and a stipend to cover living expenses. Some other scholarships may cover only a part of these costs. You are suggested to go through the scholarship details carefully to understand what expenses are offered.

The following are considered for grant of a scholarship in Italy:
  1. Type of course you are applying for
  2. Academic qualifications and suitability
  3. Age limitations: depending on the program you are applying for
  4. Language proficiency (English or Italian), depending on the medium of your program

The age limit to apply for a scholarship in Italy varies according to the program you want to apply to. The maximum age limit for applying to a Master’s degree is 30 years, while the maximum age for PHD applications is 35 years.

EU and EEA nationals have the same access to the job market as Italian nationals, and can work in Italy after graduating without a separate work permit.  Other international students will need to convert their study permit to a work permit. This can be either a full work permit (Permesso di Lavorol) if you have a job offer, or a 6-12 month extension of your current residence permit (Permesso di Soggiorno) if you’re still looking for work.

Yes, all students can work in Italy while studying, but only for a maximum of 20 hours per week. The number of hours spent on an internship is not counted in the abovementioned 20-hour limit. You can also apply for a work permit.

As a student, you can take up any kind of part-time job based on your interest. Common jobs include working in stores, a restaurant or a coffee shop for example – or at your university as an administrative or research assistant. It should be noted that many service industry jobs will require a basic level of Italian.

The cost of living in Italy varies depending on the place and your lifestyle. On average a student can live decently with €600 to €800 monthly where almost all basic requirements can be fulfilled. This includes accommodation, food and transportation but some other costs, like extra-curricular activities and entertainment, need to be taken care of separately.

No, Italian is not a mandatory requirement for English-taught programs in Italy and several Italian universities offer a range of English-taught courses in multiple disciplines. You can explore all the courses taught in English on STUDYINITALYFREE.COM. However, it will be beneficial for you if you learn basic Italian as some part-time jobs may require you to have basic Italian knowledge.

If you are from a European Union country you don’t need a visa to study in Italy but all students who are citizens of a non-EU country require a visa to study in Italy. You can apply for your study visa at the nearest Italian consulate/embassy in your country.